
Monday, November 29, 2010

My very first Blog

I've never really been interested in blogging before but after losing so many recipes, I figured I'd give it a shot and at least keep them all in one place.  My goal (hopefully) is to post and make the original recipe, that I find elsewhere and than each time I make it after that, make my own adjustments and post them so I can remember what they were when I make it the next time.

But maybe I need to look into things, I probably am not allowed to copy someone else's recipe am I?  Or can I just get their permission?  How about if I only post the adjustments that I make?  Oh this is all too confusing.  But, as with everything else, I'll muddle through it.  I wonder how many people will even attempt to muddle thru with me :)

Here is our story, my 3 youngest kids (6, 4 and 2) were recently diagnosed with Allergy Sensitivities.  We started doing a rotation diet but that didn't work so we have been full fledged "mostly" allergy free since June.  It's been a nightmare for the most part.  Every time we go out to eat, even eating plain chicken breast and plain steamed veggies, my youngest has major issues the next day.  Since we live in a small town, that isn't really a problem.  The problem comes in when we have to go to the "big city".  It is 140 miles away and trying to find somewhere to eat is a nightmare.  So these times are our cheats.

Oh yeah, I might also mention that I'm a staunch Conservative.  I only mention it because it may find it's way on here at some or another, so if you decide to hang out with me and are a democrat, let's make a pack to not get personal and not debate.  I'll have my opinions, you can have yours.  They probably won't mesh but we can still get along.  If that is not possible for you, than thanks for looking but it's best you move on.

So welcome to my blog, and please be nice, I'm horrible at this  :)

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